What is the economic impact of Geo services (2013)


This study aims to quantify the impact of geo services on the world economy and consumer welfare. The impact has been divided in three categories:

  1. Direct effects
  2. Consumer effects
  3. Wider economic effects


For this study geo-services are defined as all interactive digital mapping and location-based services. These include providers of satellite imagery, digital maps, satellite positioning signals, and navigation devices. Digital maps are defined to include both online maps and locally stored maps (such as satellite navigation systems used in cars). Traditional hard copy map publishers are not included in the estimates.

Geographical scope


Non-quantified impacts

The impact of Geo is growing at a rate of 30% per annum globally. Hence the results in this report may quickly become underestimates, as geo services become more widespread.

The report demonstrates that the order of magnitude of the benefits can be estimated despite that they differ per service. Geo services are making an important contribution to global economy and to future productivity. The efficiency gains they create help facilitate economic activity and generate additional consumer welfare.

Quantifiable impacts

This report estimates for direct effects that the geo sector has a global GVA of USD 113 billion, suggesting that geo services accord for roughly 0.2% of GDP. Consumer effects and wider economic effects are broken down for more specific cases and presented. examples are given on page iv. Also consult the following figure:

The economic impact of geoservices by Oxera



Study type

Various techniques used to triangulate values reported. Direct effects are calculated based revenues received, market capitalisation, GVA, job involved in creating services.

Economy sector

Education, Infrastructure (Transport), Infrastructure (ICT), Public Safety and Security, Public Sector Local Government, Public Sector Central Government, Agriculture