3D Queensland Road map (2018)


In April 2016, the 3D Queensland Taskforce commissioned the preparation of a Road Map to establish the 3D Qld strategy (3D Qld Task Force, February 2014). The vision and benefits were detailed in a Phase A Report. This report represents Phase B covering the Road Map to achieve the vision and realise the benefits. The 3D Qld Strategy aims to build on successful centuries’ old land surveying practice and law to create a modernised and efficient 3D Digital Cadastral System that enables the community to develop more integrated approaches to 3D design, construction and management of the built environment. The Phase A report detailed the result of wide-ranging stakeholder interviews which identified AUD 50-60 million of savings in net present value terms for the Queensland economy flowing from the creation of the 3D Digital Cadastre.  It also found that implementation of a 3D Digital Cadastre would create the opportunity for a further AUD 1-2 billion of additional value in net present value terms from more integrated approaches to 3D design and management. The 3D Qld strategy aims to take advantage of the rapid and global trend towards digitisation of location data to realise these benefits sooner for the Queensland economy. This digital transformation process will be made possible through application of the knowledge and creativity of local skills plus investment to deliver significant improvements in statutory processes.

Geographical scope

Regional: Queensland, Australia

Non-quantified impacts

Opportunities for a 3D Qld business environment include integrated 3D models of the Digital Built Environment (DBE), 3D models of mining tenures and infrastructure, and 3D emergency management mapping among many other applications. Industry stakeholders expressed wide support for the concept of integrated and authoritative models of the DBE but observed that many issues would need to be addressed before they could become a reality.  A National Digital Built Environment Work Group was established in April 2018 to explore these issues over the coming years.

A potential outcome from having a compete 3D Digital Cadastre could ultimately be authorised, secure, 3D models of the DBE, with high positional certainty and dimensional accuracy. The purpose of such models would be to facilitate:

  • enhanced spatial data analysis
  • more efficient and accurate public and private decision-making


Ultimately, this requires four key facets of the real world to be authoritatively represented in 3D in the digital world and as they change over time (4D):

  • physical dimensions
  • geo-references
  • legal boundaries
  • relevant data relating to each object


Anyone using a 3D model for decision-making needs to know that these four elements are correctly represented in the model, within specified limits.

Quantifiable impacts

The Phase A report found that creation of a 3D Digital Cadastral System would deliver important benefits to the surveying, planning and construction sectors. This alone was estimated to deliver benefits of around AUD 58 million in present value terms over 20 years.

An accurate 3D Digital Cadastre would also create options for the community to build on tools, such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Digital Engineering, to develop more integrated approaches to 3D design, construction and management of the built environment. Such tools would also have wider applications in areas such as planning, hazard mapping, insurance risk assessment and asset management.

In the longer term, most of the benefits identified in Phase A flow from retaining, integrating and sharing such authoritative models, underpinned by an authoritative 3D Cadastre that determines access rights.  These benefits were estimated to lie between AUD 476 million and AUD 2,096 million in present value terms over 20 years.



Study type

Stakeholder interviews and results of pilot projects

Economy sector

Infrastructure (Transport), Disaster Risk Management, Retail, Insurance, Design and Construction