Sizing the UK Geospatial Market Podcast: Wilfred Waters from The Geospatial Index interviews Andy Coote

Wilfred Waters from The Geospatial Index presents an in-depth interview with Andy Coote, Chief Executive of ConsultingWhere. Andy responds to Wilfred’s wide-ranging questions surrounding key market research and finance. Highlights include discussions on the rise of Spatial Finance, the state of the UK Location Market, the impact of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Capital Accounting, as well […]
The Case for Natural Capital Accounting by Andrew Coote & Veronica I. Castillo

Case studies in the Philippines demonstrate the importance of timely geospatial information in natural capital accounting, which harmonizes environmental sustainability with economic exigencies. When gauging living standards, there is a strong case to be made for natural capital accounting to complement gross domestic product (GDP). So what is natural capital, and how can geospatial professionals […]
ConsultingWhere Strengthens Management Team

ConsultingWhere are pleased to announce the appointment of Harry Storer as a Director and board member of ConsultingWhere Ltd. Harry joins at a time of rapid growth for the international specialist location intelligence advisory company. This expansion responds to the opportunities presented by more diverse and complex geospatial applications across public and private organisations. This […]
NSDI: ConsultingWhere Wins Contract For IGIF Development

ConsultingWhere Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has secured a contract with Statens Kartverk, through a competitive tendering process, to provide support in the development of long-term implementation plans for National Spatial Data Infrastructures (NSDI) to four of their cooperation partners. The objective is to accelerate NSDI development in Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine […]
Andy Coote discussing the Location Market Survey with Steven Feldman

Andy Coote, geo industry veteran and ConsultingWhere Director was recently interviewed by Steven Feldman; the following Geomob podcast discusses ConsultingWhere’s recently released 2020 edition of the Location Market Survey, a comprehensive review of the UK’s location intelligence industry.
Applying Value Chain Techniques to Economic Assessment of 3D Geo-information

Andrew Coote, Chief Executive of ConsultingWhere Ltd, recently took part in an ESIP (Earth Science Information Partners) Webinar. An overview of the event was given as: “The Socioeconomic Value of Earth Science Data, Information, and Applications”, we explore the concepts behind the transference and usage of data and tools (information pathway) as they move between suppliers […]
Andrew Coote presents on Value and Cost Benefit Analysis of 3D Geo-information at the Geo Conference, Washington

Andrew Coote, Chief Executive of ConsultingWhere Ltd, was a guest speaker and panel member of the ‘Demonstrating the Value of Earth Observations: Methods, Practical Applications, and Solutions’ session at the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Conference in Washington, 23 – 27 October 2017. To view the live stream, please click here. To find out more about […]
£4 return on every £1 spent on council address and street information

ConsultingWhere was recently commissioned by GeoPlace, a public sector limited liability partnership between the LGA and Ordnance Survey, to research the cost/benefit evaluation of the impact of address and street data across England and Wales. An article written for Geoconnexion detailing the project outline and methodology can be found here.
ConsultingWhere Assists AGI with Autonomous Vehicles Foresight Report

ConsultingWhere Senior Consultant Philip Knight has contributed a paper on the future of Autonomous Vehicles to the recently published Association of Geographic Information foresight report. Philip has been producing research on the implications of autonomous vehicle technology on the automotive industry since December 2014. For this, his most recent publication, he consulted with the Bristol […]
GeoPlace commission large scale economic study

GeoPlace LLP have commissioned ConsultingWhere to carry out a significant study examining the return on investment in address and street data for local authorities. ConsultingWhere will be examining the costs and the benefits of the address and street data local authorities create under statute. The team will also be examining the onward benefits for other […]