Land Information New Zealand (LINZ): Topographic Mapping Strategy Study


The aim of the LINZ strategy study was to determine the future direction of LINZ in respect of topographic database and mapping production.

Project description

The review included consideration of the future role of the public sector in this activity, the investment and policy intervention logic, organisational structure impacts, international best practice, process rationalisation, development strategy and the business case for continuation of the current role.

Approach and methodology

The study included an analysis of current working practices, identifying inefficiencies and potential for innovative use of technology. It also featured skills gap assessment and retraining opportunities. Through interviews with international experts, assessing the policy framework and case for Government intervention a new set of rationalised working practices were developed to maximise reuse of existing high quality geospatial data from local authorities, the highways agency and utility companies. The new strategy was presented to stakeholders and senior executives. Report writing and mentoring of a new business development manager were also part of the project. In a subsequent stage, feedback from a public consultation on the new strategy was reviewed and refinements to the strategy made prior to publication.

Our Principal Consultant, Andrew Coote, led the study, undertook the research, consultations, presented the proposed way forward to LINZ management and worked with the internal team on the implementation over a twelve month period.


The proposed strategy action plan was subject to an external consultation, with around 100 organisations submitting comments which were assessed before final publication. Implementation is now well advanced with consequent changes to staffing, interaction with local government and improvements in currency and quality of products.

The strategy can be reviewed at: